Support Groups
for Moms
Whether you are a soon to be mother, a new mother, or an “I’ve been in this for a while” mother, you are likely to be facing your own set of unique challenges in your life.
You don't have to be in this alone.
We hear about the rainbows in motherhood, we tend to forget that the rain comes first.
The brightness of the rainbow will always outshine the grey, but its okay to talk about the grey,
We should.
Connecting with other moms is an evidenced-based approach for treating perinatal struggles. With a Perinatal Mental Health Specialist leading the groups, you will not only find the connection you may be seeking but also the professional support you're looking for!
Current Groups
Pregnancy After Loss Support Group
The road to parenthood is not what you expected and you'd like to be around other moms that just get it. Feeling like you don't fully trust your body, betrayed, guilty, anxious, triggered or robbed of a joyous pregnancy...you are not alone. Here you will find connection with other soon to be moms that have experienced loss. In this group you will be heard, feel seen and be supported. We will talk about different topics to help you navigate through your unique pregnancy journey. This is a safe space lead by a Postpartum Specialist, Licensed Therapist and Mom, where you can find your community before birth.
Postpartum Infant Support Group & Postpartum Toddlerhood Support Group
Parenthood can be so bittersweet, for the not to so sweet moments, you deserve support. Sometimes "the village" includes an Online Support Group where you can feel supported right from home. We will talk about various topics that will help you navigate postpartum struggles. If you have headphones, no babysitter needed! This is a safe space lead by a Postpartum Specialist, Licensed Therapist and Mom, where you will find connection and experience the amazing healing that happens within a support group.
Healing in Community
Mommy Groups that actually focus on Mom!
Pregnancy After Loss
Support Group
Topics we will discuss but not limited to:
Relationship after loss
Pregnancy Symptoms
Doctor Appointments
Birth Preparations
Postpartum Plans
Risk Factors for PMADs
Self Care
Prenatal Ambivalence/Depression
Groups are 50 minutes held Weekly via Zoom. Please contact me for dates.
$50 per session/billed monthly
8 week commitment
Postpartum Infant Support Group
*moms w/ babies less than 2 years old
Topics we will discuss but not limited to:
Birth Experience
Connection with Baby/Baby Blues
Adjustment to Motherhood
Grief within Motherhood
Body Image
Nutrition/Exercise Postpartum
From Partners to Parents
Balancing the Mental Load
Mom Brain
Your Village
Boundaries with New Dynamic
Postpartum Anxiety/Depression/Rage
Groups are 50 minutes held Weekly via Zoom. Please contact me for dates.
$50 per session/billed monthly
8 week commitment
Postpartum Toddler Support Group
*moms w/ toddlers over 2 years old
Topics we will discuss but not limited to:
Invisible Mental Load
Mom Guilt
Balancing Home/Work/Relationships
Mom Brain
Over Stimulation/Triggers
From Partners to Parents
Mindful Parenting
Family Planning
Your Village
Unmet Needs
Prioritizing your needs
Postpartum Anxiety/Depression/Rage
Groups are 50 minutes held Weekly via Zoom. Please contact me for dates.
$50 per session/billed monthly
8 week commitment
*Please note, these groups are not meant to replace Individual Therapy. If you are needing more individualized support, I offer 1:1 Therapy Specializing in Postpartum. You may benefit if you're experiencing a Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder (PMAD), however, it is not a psychotherapy group designed to specifically treat a mental health issue such as Postpartum Depression.

You're Not Alone
Reach out here to find out current group dates and times!